NetIQ from Micro Focus

NetIQ is a leading provider of integrated systems and security management solutions that empower IT organizations with the knowledge and ability necessary to assure IT service. NetIQ's Knowledge-Based Service Assurance products and solutions include embedded knowledge and tools to implement industry best practices and to better ensure operational integrity, manage service levels and risk, and ensure policy compliance. NetIQ's modular, best-of-breed solutions for Performance Management, Security Management, Configuration Management, and Change Control integrate through an open, service-oriented architecture allowing for common reporting, analytics and dashboards. Serving public sector, Fortune 1000, global corporations, s as well enterprise and SME/SMB customers in over 90 countries; Overland Tandberg products are recognized and trusted around the globe. We are certified both by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), and by the US Small Business Administration as a minority-owned Information Technology company. Overland Tandberg stands ready as a Diverse Supplier technology manufacturer to help you deliver enterprise-grade business continuity and data protection solutions to today’s FED/SLED market.
“NetIQ Group Policy Administrator provides valuable capabilities to ensure the proper change management and auditing of Group Policy for Microsoft IT and anyone else using Microsoft’s Active Directory.” Michael Dennis – Microsoft Case Study |